Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Cat Story

So now I'm back home, which is great and terrible all at the same time. I have more time to work on projects I want to do. The thought is frightening. But hey, now I have time to update my blog, and post things. 

Unfortunately I don't really have anything to post that is finished or interesting, so have a story about my cat. There are thousands, perhaps millions of cat stories out there on the internet, and all of them have their own charm. Even the ones that are basically repeats of the last 60 you read. So why not one more right? This one has *drawn* pictures.

My cat, Rani, was a real sweetheart. She was always starved for attention and would sit on anything taking up your time.

When she couldn't find anyone to give her attention, she would meow. Quite a bit. Even though somewhere in the back of my mind I knew she was doing this to satisfy her own selfish purposes, I always gave her the benefit of the doubt.